Sunday 6 April 2014

Reflection (6 April 2014)

Jesus is fully human. That’s why he experienced the same pain as us, and he can understand our pain.

It makes me think: as a teacher, do I understand my students? I couldn’t say I am in their shoes. Ya, but I need to put myself in their shoes, so that I can understand their struggle and then only I could say you can change it, isn’t?

Why do I join TFM?
-          I saw the effect of education inequity myself. It is not something that happened to other people and I felt pity seeing it but it happened in my family and around me. I saw it myself how education inequity affected a kid. I heard it from them and saw it in their eye when they don’t see hope in this world. Thus, I want to be part of the movement – to end education inequity. I am grateful that I can be part of it.

How can I be like Jesus, to understand my students’ struggle and tell them that they are able to change? 

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