Sunday 27 April 2014

I want to transform my students' life

I watched Joy Tan's testimony the other day. She was raped by 7 guys and she chose to forgive them. This thing kind of disturb me this few days. I kept having this picture in mind - an innocent 15 years old girl being raped by 7 guys. I felt sad. How can this happened to a 15 years old girl. How can someone hurt a 15 years old girl just like that? Today, in church, God reveal to me, for a guy to be so cruel enough and hurt a 15 years old girl, he must gone through a lot of cruel things as well. How he has been treated by his own family or people around him, that make him treat others people the same way. How much hatred inside of him that he would treat a 15 years old girl like this. How will he feel after he did this? For a normal people, it is all about darkness, isn't? So, for a guy like them, how come they don't feel this darkness, unless they are already in this darkness, that's why they don't feel anything.

This incident make me think of my students. I was angry at 1L the other day, I cannot accept their behaviour, how can they treat other people like this, this is so rude and not acceptable at all. Ya, how come they behave like this and don't feel anything? Unless they have been treated this way also, by their parents, others? That's why they have this angry inside them. So, how can I treat them the same way as well, by using shout, punishments? They won't change. I need to treat them with kindness, so that they will show kindness to others. I need to treat them with respect, so that they will show respect to others. God, grant me calmness. It is so hard to remain neutral when they behave so rudely. But, anger didn't help. I want to be a teacher that can transform students' life.

Another thought, how about teaching them knowledge but using rewards? Ya, it might able to attract them to study for a little while. They want to study because want to get the sweet or whatever prize. But what happened after this? What happened after one year? I didn't go to transform their life. I just be there and motivate them to study for one year. I need to show them love, kindness and believe in them. This would motivate them to learn when they taste the goodness and when they believe in themselves also.

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