Tuesday 20 May 2014

This is my choice

Today I got my relief slip at 1.15pm, and the exam supposed to start at 1.20 pm. At that moment, I felt like"What The....". I am so tempted to complain. But a small still voice whisper in my heart, you already know this system is a mess when you chose to accept this job, so what do you complaint about. 

I am ya, what do I want to complain, this is my choice, not people force me to but I chose this job and I did know that the system is a mess, so what do I complain....
Because of this thought, I don't complain and I just go grab the exam sheet and enter the class. Things go crazy, there is a lot of problems with the exam papers but somehow I have the peace to calm down and solve it. Until everything changed upside down when I entered IL and get really angry with them. Scolded, lock the door and even flip the table around. Cried when I drove to prayer meeting just now. I am so disappointed at myself sometime for not able to manage my emotions. God, pls grant me grace to be able to master my emotions. 

Monday 12 May 2014

Through God

I am getting a bit emo these two weeks, started Saturday. There occur the first conflict with my dear housemate, over a really small matter. I did what I usually did when I am not happy. I don't talk and made people felt distant. I guessed I learned this from my mum. When my mum was angry at me, she don't talk and stayed a distant with me, which made me felt being abandoned and lost.

But today, enter the 1L classroom, which is usually challenging and being exhausted physically and spiritually, I just don't have any more energy to yell. When they are all around the place and can't seem to settle down, I just distribute the worksheets and start teaching to get the class started and to settle them down. But there, Han Yang and other students who sit at the back who are still doing their own thing. I went there and said really gentle to them that please put away your books, or else I won't give your the worksheet. I didn't scold, even though they response in a really bad way, especially Han Yang. But I just talked nicely to them. I guessed scolding or getting my students to follow my instructions all the time is not really something that I claimed as a success if I couldn't touch their heart and made an impact in their life.

I knew that their have a lot of family issues and don't have a harmony relationship with their parents. So what I really need to do is to talk gently to them and to model them a good example of treating others. Of course this is not easy for me. In fact, this journey is never easy to me. A lot of time, I have doubt to continue and feel that I am a failure. But there is only by depending on Jesus that I could continue this journey and be patient. And not to forgot the vision God give to me, which is Love. Hope. Faith.

Not with my own strength, but I can do everything in Christ who strengthen me.

Sunday 11 May 2014


是IAB coach告诉我我做了多么棒的project吗?

神对我说的是 Love . Hope . Faith.
或是我做了一些特别的活动,那些cooperative learning 之类的?

有让他们评价我based on 这些吗?

Sunday 4 May 2014

Reflection - 4th May 2014

Today in church, we sang this song - Faith, Hope, Love. It reminds me what God has spoken to me. These are three elements that I want to teach my kids. God used this song to tell me that
"We need to sing the song of Love by being a living testimony for him." Thanks God for your love and your blessing for always taking care of me. Thanks, God.

Few days back or even few weeks back, I have this idea of collaborating with CHC KL to do the project of "Faith.Hope.Love". God, is it your answer to it? Show me, Abba Father.